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Visualize: The Life You Want

Writer: The Crafty RavenThe Crafty Raven

Updated: 5 days ago

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” - Greg Reid.

This quote changed my life forever. I didn’t discover it until 2023 when I was in my early 40s. My life may have been different if someone had shared it with me as a younger person. I printed it and taped it to the front of my then-current journal. 

Greg Reid’s quote helped me through a very tough summer and fall of that year. I saw the dream, wrote down what I wanted and when I wanted it, broke it down into chunks, broke those chunks down into bite-sized pieces, and started tackling that to-do list.

I was a month late meeting my 2023 goal, but dammit, I made it. I used this same strategy for the chaos that was my life in 2024: dream, write it, date it, chunk it, bite-size it, start doing it, and cross things off that list. That year, I beat my goal by two weeks.

At the end of 2024, I knew my life would take another significant shift. This time, I didn’t just want to lay out a plan for 2025; I wanted to guide my life.

A friend of mine received a Law of Attraction planner as a gift. 

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I wanted one as soon as she started describing what she called the “homework”: life questions, a mission and vision statement, 50 life goals, and a life statement. I dithered over which “model” of the planner to get but eventually settled on this one

(This is an affiliate link. Craftraven will receive a small commission should you decide to purchase.)

Once it arrived, I eagerly began filling in the prompts. Here are two of my favorite pages:

And to “guide my life,” here’s the crux of my Life Statement:

“I practice meditation, yoga, and tai chi. I spend time hiking, kayaking, and camping in beautiful places. The things I have to do are things I want to do because they move me forward toward my goals and being the best version of myself. I seek joy in everything I do and spread kindness wherever possible. My family is healthy, happy, and comfortable. My business provides enough income to travel and have what we need and desire. I work from home or on the road, but I am always close to the peace and beauty of nature. I am an accomplished artist and crafter. My body feels fit. I am very knowledgeable about the natural world around me, from rocks to plants, animals, and birds. I have had many wonderful experiences and will have many more.”


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